Clone of City of Tarrant History

Tarrant City Hall

Tarrant, incorporated in 1918, began with a city as industry as its center and reason for being. Today, industry continues to be the lifeblood of the city, spawning numerous residential and commercial opportunities for its citizens. Because of its heritage, Tarrant has developed all the necessary ingredients for industry to thrive. Among those include easy rail access, close proximity to major interstates and highways, nearness to a major airport, a solid and experienced labor force, a wide range of housing, land availability, all major utilities, and progressive leadership.

Though independent, Tarrant is an integral part of Alabama’s largest metropolitan area. Consequently, the over 6,000 people of Tarrant enjoy the many attributes of both a small city and larger cosmopolitan area. The area has a balanced economy providing a strong manufacturing base as well as an emergent service center. Medical research and healthcare are now the employment anchors of the metropolitan area. The metropolitan area of nearly one million people offers an abundance of cultural arts, major sporting events, and opportunities to explore almost any endeavor. One of the intangible benefits of living and working in Tarrant that is special, however, is the close knit feeling of the people. This quality is cultivated throughout the city by getting things done on a cooperative basis. Citizens, merchants, elected officials, and industrialists are often on a first name basis. Education and religion are important in Tarrant with numerous civic organizations, churches, and an independent school system all working together for the betterment of the city. The result is evident after even the slightest investigation.